Saturday, September 13, 2014

Roasted Chicken and Eggplant with Sweet Miso Bento

This is a sympathy bento.
As in "Honey, I'm so sorry you got called in on your day off and maybe this bento will make it better."  And yes, farmer's market Chinese eggplant fried in coconut oil, with the addition of sweet local bell peppers, green onions, and a creamy sweet miso sauce DID make it better. I scored some serious Wifey-points. Also, I had fun.

Bottom tier yummies:  
Boiled yellow squash leaves and Hubbie-favorite fried eggplant and peppers with sweet miso and mead sauce. Mead = honey-wine, and we just fermented our first batch at home using some local honey. I used this in place of the mirin that is traditionally used in the Japanese recipe with excellent results. Very exciting, but I digress. Them tasty veggies are atop a bed of white rice. Of the non-Paleo variety. Yup.

I did soak said pearly grains for two days in water with a splash of vinegar, thus vanquishing most of those pesky phytates (which can block mineral absorption and cause inflammation.) My health situation has made me a bit of a health nerd, but it's workin' out for me.

Top tier yummies: 
Roasted chicken breast, steamed bok choy filled with scrambled eggs, super-cute baby bok choy bits (also steamed), raw carrots leaves, and mixed pickles (cabbage and eggplant.)

This is how I made the boy choy cups for the scrambled eggs. I'm not sure I've ever used my melon baller for melons, but it's handy for plenty else. I had this great plan to pour the raw egg mixture in these cups and then steam them to make veggie-cup-custard-thingies. 

How'd that work out? Awww, egg all over the counter. Drat. So I scrambled another egg and added it into the cups post steaming. Still good! Easy for grabbing with your paw and putting in your maw! 

I'd also like to admit this: I did all of the prep sitting down at my coffee table while listening to a book on CD. I have some chronic fatigue issues. I can bento, but only if I get to do most of the work while on my bottom. If you're reading this and you can relate, drop me a line! I'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Breakfast Sausage and Country Fries Bento

Good morning! I've made an other breakfast-lunch bento! What's that? Brunch? Nah...Breakfast-Lunch.

Update/explanation for the uber-lag on posting: I've been whooping butt against some pesky infections. Apparently some bugs thought they'd make a nice cozy home for themselves in my body while my immune system was laying low. Nope, wrong.

So I've been healing and detoxing and eating very simply (read: boring food.) This is the first bento I'd made since...whenever I posted last. Long time. A blessed burst of energy + plenty of inspiration from our local farmer's market = BENTO TIME!

What we got here:  
*Homemade breakfast sausage patties (2/3 turkey, 1/3 beef, tasty seasonings) pan-fried with a bit of ghee and glazed with maple syrup and coconut aminos (it's like soy sauce, but without the soy. Good stuff.) 
*Ginger pickled carrots. Fulla probiotics: bonus.
*Yellow summer squash flowers and fresh shiso leaves. I added a few drops of coconut aminos to the cut parts of the squash flowers for additional "pop".

And here: 
*A variety of fingerling potatoes from the farmer's market. So yeah, that's a pinkish potato. Fancy stuff. I took these wonderful Washington-grown taters, cut 'em up...THEN FRIED THEM IN BACON FAT. Yes, indeedy. I went there. Your welcome hubs. 
*Also featured: some kind of snazzy broccoli like greens (the nice lady told me their name and I promptly forgot it). These are steamed and tossed with a light and refreshing lemon-miso sauce.

That's all folk!